Your Ideas. In Your Words. Our Suggestions.

We will NOT write your essay for you.

We’ll spend time together (on Zoom, phone or in person), understanding what’s important to you, what you love and what you’d like to change. We’ll explore together which of your interests you’d want to share. Together, we could map out which aspect of your life you’d like to bring out in which essay. We’ll then patiently and lovingly help you polish your essays till they tell YOUR story in the most engaging and effective way.

We will also help you get and stay organized during the multi-step process of applying for the school(s) of your choice, from your college list (choosing the schools to apply) to making the final choice of which school to attend.

Some of the schools that our students are attending (or have been admitted or waitlisted to):

“I just wanted to thank you since you guys truly were helpful during the college app process, from making a schedule for me to follow, all the way to making sure my essays were the best versions possible. I honestly don’t think that I would have gotten into Berkeley if it wasn’t for your help.”

A freshman in college, at UC Berkeley

Our son got accepted in Georgia Tech . You have Midas touch 🙏

A parent of a recent high school graduate

Thank you again, for traveling the road with our daughter, to help her along the journey. You both have the magic wand akin to pied pipers flute, that draws kids, especially teens, to love, respect and listen to you. You both are excellent role models as parents and advisors. Destination: Duke!

parent of a recent student that will start at duke university